Web Directions Lazy Load 2021

Web Directions Lazy Load 2021

  • Online
  • May 14, 2021 - May 31, 2021

Front end performance used to be a relatively simple task–minifying, concatenating and gzipping, a bit of smushing images, and all done.

But in 2021 it's far more than that, and only getting more complex. That's where lazy load comes in. A conference dedicated to front end performance, we'll cover what you need to know now, and what's coming next.

Who's it for?

If you build front ends, lazy load is for you.

In depth knowledge

All Web Directions conferences feature in-depth knowledge from real world experts. Some you'll know, many you won't, but all bring a world of experience and knowledge.

How will lazy load be held?

Most online conferences run just like in-person conferences–one or two jam-packed days, of live streamed presentation. But with so many folks working remotely, and spending so much of their day in front of a screen we felt it was imperative to rethink this, and do something differently.

lazy load takes place over 2 consecutive Fridays in May 2021. It will run for 3 and a half hours each session (with a bit of downtime built-in). Plus will run it 3 times so wherever you are in the world, you can participate along with your peers, from the comfort of your own home (or maybe office).

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