NANOSMAT Conference 2012
- The University of South Florida
- Tampa, United States
- Mar 27, 2012 - Mar 30, 2012
NANOSMAT is widely recognized as a premier conference focused on traditional topics in “NANO” such as Nanoscience, Nano-Engineering, and Nanotechnology as well as emerging new research directions in NANO such as Nanobiology, Nanomedicine, and economic aspects of NANO. Ignited in 2005 as a nanomaterials conference, NANOSMAT rapidly became a success story, eventually covering all aspects of NANO.
In Europe, NANOSMAT has been very successfully organized in Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, England, UK. The maiden NANOSMAT-USA was held in Tampa, Florida in march 2012, whereas, the 2nd NANOSMAT-USA was held at Rice University, Houston in May 2014. The 3rd NANOSMAT-USA was held at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA during 18-20 May 2016.
Key HIGHLIGHTS include:
- Young Scientist Lecture Competition
- Poster Competition
- Workshops
- Expert Panel discussion
- Exhibition
- Special Sessions
- Poster Sessions & Tutorials
We are honored to invite you to participate in the 4th NANOSMAT-USA 2018 held at Isla Grand Beach Resort South Padre Island, Texas, USA from October 29th to November 1st, 2018. The conference will be sponsored by the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Technical Symposia
Contributed papers will be presented in 3 or 4 parallel sessions. Abstracts will be evaluated for their potential interest to the conference attendees and on the quality of their technical content. There will be a host of invited speakers, with international recognition in their respective fields who are expected to participate in the technical program.
Poster Sessions
NANOSMAT-USA will host several poster sessions. During the sessions, authors are required to be standing with their posted materials to lead discussions and answer questions that conference delegates may have.
Plenary Speaker
The conference will begin with a Plenary lecture given by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir H. W. Kroto from Florida State University, USA.
Each year NANOSMAT honors and recognizes international scientists who have shown, during the course of their professional careers, outstanding achievements and made valuable contributions to the broad field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Young Scientist Lecture Competition
The Young Scientist Lecture Competition is held each year as an integral part of the NANOSMAT conference. The aim of this event is to provide a friendly atmosphere of competition for young scientists working in the fields of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology so that their presentation skills will improve whilst addressing an informed audience.
Poster Competition
There will be a poster competition and one winner and two runner-ups will be selected.
An exhibition is offered in conjunction with the Conference during the days of the conference. International companies working in the fields will participate in this extensive display that promotes the technical interchange of information on the science, technology, and applications of nanomaterials and surface treatment methods.
Conference Proceedings
Authors are encouraged to submit technical papers for consideration for publication in international peer-reviewed journals - see the publications page for more details.
There will be several tutorials. Confirmed tutorials so far: (i) "Physical Properties of Polymer-Based Nanocomposites", Speaker: Professor Mircea Chipara, University of Texas-Pan American".
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