Haiti CyberCon 2021

Haiti CyberCon 2021

HaitiCyberCon is an InfoSec/Hacker conference (organized by Haiti Cyber Con Corporation – a 501.c.3 corporation) for professionals, students, and enthusiasts located in Haiti and the Caribbean region. Haiti Cyber Con is entirely dedicated to the security challenges of the use of digital space in Haiti.

The organization committee of Haiti Cyber Con is currently evaluating the risk of having a conference again this year.

We rely on guidelines set by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and reports from the Haitian Government to determine format options for the conference.

Once a decision is made, whether to have a virtual or in-person conference, we will immediately notify our attendees, presenters, sponsors, and exhibitors via email, on our social media platforms, and on this website.

The health and safety of our organizers, and sponsors are our number priority.

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